Our Animation Workshops
We teach students real life 21st century skills needed for success in an autism positive environment during our one-week summer camps and our more intensive year around programs! During each DaniMation program, students create characters that talk, sing, dance and hop across the computer screen while learning valuable skills they’ll use throughout their lives. The program includes animating, writing, story-boarding and editing and encourages communication, confidence, teamwork and collaboration through the creation of a short personal animation or working on a larger group project that is presented at the end of the session to family and friends.

Danimation by the Numbers
The Workshop Experience
Parents and participants alike enjoy our unique adaptive program that’s unlike any other.
Summer 2022 In Person Workshops
Book Now, Discount Ends July 1st.
Plymouth, Devon


The Dani in Danimation.

Other Workshops
Please visit DaniAcademy.com for a current list of workshops offered around the world.
Testimonials and Media from 2019 Workshop
“The change I’ve seen in my daughter in just five days, from arriving anxious and nervous and very within herself. The confidence that has grown in her over the week and the friends that she’s made has been incredible, a really great experience…I would definitely recommend it to anybody.”
BBC Spotlight
The BBC’s Melanie Chiswell sits down with the workshop participants and Dani Bowman to discuss the Danimation program at Plymouth University.